Monday 2 March 2009

Hitman, analysis

2) The women is dead, however she is posed in a pose which evokes sensuality, and this is a typical technique used in which the women is seen a sex object
3)she is dead, she was of wealth. conotations: typical blonde beauty.
4)the mise en scene shows what could of happend, it creates enigma codes as to why a women like that would be executed
5) the women is the central image, she has a bullet wound to the head, blood on the bed, the half naked body.
6) the audience is prodominatley male teenager
7) the audience will see that as being very well thought out as the women is 'beautiful' and she looks as if she was executed and so the text go's along with the mise en scene.
8)refer to the answer above
9)the target audience is middle class males of the age 15 and above even though it has a 18 certificate.
11) the characters would definatley show that the genre of the game would be a first person action shooter.
12) the genre of the text would be action, thriller in the story line sense of things, however the game would be classed as a first person shooter.

The audiences of the video game would be poeple above 18 as it shows this on the poster and mainly men as it contains violence as we can see. These are the assumptions made. The institution and games console on which the game is played on is Playstation 2 this gives the quality backing that would definatley give the audience encouragement to actually purchace the game. The other institutions such as EIDos would be the people who created the game.